Sunday, March 20, 2016

Android N preview: Everything you need to know about Android 7.0

Android has been making some big moves recently, redesigning and adding functionality to the mobile operating system to make it more capable and more competitive.
With the advent of Lollipop, Android moved to a state that felt like it was complete. It had polish that rivalled manufacturer skins, a maturity to apps that made them wonderful to use.
That was cemented with refinement in Marshmallow that saw many manufacturers moving to accommodate Android's native charms, rather than stomp all over them.
Anticipation is high for Android N and in an uncharacteristic move, Google has released a developer build of Android N into the wild much earlier than expected. We've been playing with the future version of Android see what's changing, what's new and what we can expect come launch day.
This is Android N and this is everything you need to know.
Android N release date and availability
Android N has been revealed much earlier than it has in the past, with a preview version of Android N made available by Google on 9 March.
In the past the first glimpse of the next version of Android has been at Google I/O. This is Google's developer conference opening this year on 18 May 2016. We're expecting to see a lot more of Android N at Google I/O but this time armed with some knowledge about what it can do.
Google has already said that the final preview version of Android N will be ready by the summer, so well in advance of previous years. 
The final consumer version of Android N won't land until later in the year however, usually around October. This is typically timed with the release of anew Nexus handset, making the debut of the new Android version, but perhaps the earlier preview suggests an earlier release of the next Nexus.
READ: Next Nexus (2016): What to expect from the next Google phone
The roll-out of Android N to other devices usually then follows, hitting existingNexus hardware within a few weeks, but often taking several months to be incorporated into other devices. Want Android N on your Samsung Galaxy S7? You'll probably be waiting until March 2017.

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